Monday, 21 February 2011

64 Days to go - So much to do!!

Right....there's only 64 days to go and I still have so much to do and organize.
The last week I have felt a tad 'lost in the fray'. Not quite sure which way to turn, where to grab hold and where to let go.

A huge thank you goes out to all the hundreds of friends and supporters all over the world that came together in support of my expedition on my birthday. Over 200 emails from over 18 countries worldwide went out to Ewan and Charley from 'The long way round' and 'The long way down'.
Sadly, it doesn't look like I'll be receiving any reply from them. Even if just to say: "Sorry we can't help but good luck anyway". Which seems to be the standard reply.

But, I will just keep putting it 'out there'. :)

So far I have:
My bike (Luna), which needs a service and some parts replaced.
Nokia N8 handset - sponsored by Nokia
Outdoor gear - sponsored by Guy Pearce from JD group (sponsored in his private capacity)
Clothing - from Gravel Industries (Eastern Cape) and Apres Velo (Australia) - yet to be received from both though. Packages on their way.
Camelbak - sponsored by Clinton Poson
Multi-tool - sponsored by Laurinda Werners
Tent - sponsored by Hanret Snyman
Pannier bags and racks - sponsored by Picobella, the restaurant where I work at night. Though the price has gone up and I need to put in half myself (which I don't have) or source funding.

So I still need:
Video camera - (have contacted a few brands...still awaiting reply)
First aid kit - Including sature kit and malaria meds and test kit
Mini laptop (optional as I'm not sure whether I REALLY need it)
Bike gear - Tyres, lights, pump, service, parts, spares etc. (On 'Gear and Needs list')

And then there's the funding. In all reality, I don't need THAT much as I am only one person.
Though Visa costs alone can cost me up to anything between R45 000 and R50 000.
Then there's food and communications. Accommodation costs I do not need as I have a tent! :)

And between all of this I have to remember that I have competition now. :)
Which, in all honesty, I welcome with open arms.
It does push me a little harder of course. I mean, for over 3 years now I have been pursuing my dream. That's a long time. And as I have promised, come 27 April 2011 (Freedom Day), I will be setting out from Cape Town. Whether I have all I need or not.

I think what is most important is that I just START!

There are literally people from all corners of the globe rooting for me and trying to help where they can. This is very humbling and heart warming to me! People believe in me, and I cannot let them down. I cannot let myself down!

So now I will focus on a single item each week. This week will be First Aid.
I need a comprehensive first aid kit, including a sature kit, malaria tablets and a malaria test kit. As well as all the vaccinations I need before I can go. These cost a bit as well.

So if there's anyone out there that can help with that, please contact me.

Thank you to everybody out there for your unwavering love and support!

Little over two months to go!

The race for Africa is on!! :)

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